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RADIANCE REPORT : The radiance won’t have anymore secret for you !

12.05.16    « EXPERTS » reports
Written by Audrey MONOT

our Enemy N°1

Pollution, our Enemy N°1

Invisible toxic substances : UV (A and B), pollution, domestic detergents attack and drain our skin everyday.

This results in a duller complexion, skin which ages faster because of oxidative stress and the possible appearance of pigmentation spots.


The IOMA solution :
the Pollustop formula

The IOMA solution : The Pollustop formula

IOMA innovates and combines POLLUSTOP with Pink Pepper to counteract the effect of pollutants on the skin.

This cocktail of ingredients is found in the formula of the new Vitality Shot serum, a veritable shield against the effects of urban life.

Thanks to its principle of pro-active defence, it is able to repair damage, encourage cell renewal and is therefore able to help the skinto fight against external attack.

Your essentials
for a radiant appearance

Step 1

Radiance report - Your essentials for a radiant appearance - Step1 - Exfoliate

Exfoliate the skin twice per week with the Gentle Exfoliating Emulsion to eliminate dead cells and reveal luminous skin.


Step 2

Radiance report - Your essentials for a radiant appearance - Step2 - Mask
After a late night or before a party, Smoothing Moisturizing Mask is an absolute revealer of sparkle. Leave for 10 minutes then rinse

Step 3

Radiance report - Your essentials for a radiant appearance - Step 3 - Vitality SHot
Add 3 drops of Vitalty Shot to Youthful Moisture Cream to boost the energy of your skin and enhance your complexion.

A vitamin shot for
an express kick-start

An easy and pleasant way to provide you with sparkle from breakfast time onwards! Ingredients for two people

An easy and pleasant way to provide you with sparkle



Wash, peel and chop the carrots and apple. Process this in a juicer. Juice the orange. Juice the lime. Mix all the juices together. Serve cold. Can be stored for 1-2 days in a cool place.

Fill up on energy with this cocktail packed with vitamins which will dissolve your signs of tiredness in an instant !


IOMA Vitality Shot


Boost the radiance in your face

Boost the radiance in your face

Our secret : gentle and tailored pressure point techniques to melt away the tensions of the day and restore radiance and light to the face.

Treat yourself to a moment of relaxation : press gently with the pad of the finger for 10 seconds on the pressure points on the face as indicated on the diagram.

A favourite product

“Vitalty Shot is a skincare which is specific, effective and soothing as well as being so easy to use. A little skincare miracle”
Judith EL ZEIN – Actress
Vitality shot Témoignage Anne Charrier
“A complete treatment : it brightens the complexion, transforms the texture of the skin and tones it up. Extremely simple to use. It just blends in with your day cream. The ideal skincare product.”
Anne CHARRIER – Actress
“New VITALTY SHOT serum has become my N°1 product. It’s now part of my daily skincare routine.”
Jean-Michel KARAM – CEO & Founder of IOMA

Keywords: Booster, Éclat, Shot vitaminé, Boost, Radiance, Vitamin shot.

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